
Concert Complex "Philharmonia-2"
Michurinsky Avenue, Olympic Village, Building 1

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22 January 2024

Verdi's Requiem will be performed on the 80th anniversary of the end of the siege

January 27 is one of the days of military glory of Russia; On this day in 1944, Leningrad was completely liberated from the fascist blockade. The performance of Verdi's Requiem in the Tchaikovsky Hall is dedicated to the defenders of the hero city. The music, which the composer’s contemporaries compared with Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment,” will remind listeners of one of the most tragic pages of Russian history of the 20th century.

Verdi's Funeral Mass, along with Mozart's Requiem, has become one of the most beloved and frequently performed works of its genre. Its story began in 1868 after the death of Rossini, when Verdi invited several composers to jointly write a funeral mass for the memory of their great compatriot. The plan remained unrealized, and only a new tragedy prompted Verdi to return to work: he dedicated his grandiose Requiem to the memory of Alessandro Manzoni, a poet and writer, one of the spiritual leaders of the movement for the unification of Italy, who became a national hero.

Verdi's Requiem is called "opera in church robes." The luxury of a romantic orchestra, the power of a large choir, the brilliant parts of soloists - all this takes you away from the intimate atmosphere of a funeral service into the space of theatrical performance. It is not surprising that from the very first steps the Requiem was a triumphant success, and the power of its influence on listeners has not weakened over the years. The performers will help you feel this again - the Russian National Youth Symphony Orchestra, the A. A. Yurlov Choir of Russia, soloists Valentina Fedeneva, Agunda Kulaeva, Alexey Tatarintsev and Alexey Tikhomirov. At the controls is maestro Dmitry Yurovsky.